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Grievance Redressal Cell

Grievance Redressal Cell

Drop Your Complaint online


The Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) looks into the complaints lodged by students and employees and judges their merit. It is also empowered to deal with the matters of harassment of any nature on the campus. Any student or employee has the liberty to approach any Committee member or the Coordinator in person with a genuine grievance or may present in writing and drop in the suggestion boxes provided at the different Blocks.

Objectives of GRC

The Committee is constituted with an objective to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the Institution through -
Promoting cordial student-student and student-teacher relationship to ensure a strife-free atmosphere in the Institution and thereby upholding the dignity of the Institution.
Assuring confidentiality to express grievances/problems freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized.
Instilling among students/employees the value of respecting the right and dignity of others with utmost restraint and patience in times of rift.
Advising all staff to maintain cordial relations with the students and colleagues and not to be vindictive for any reason.
The Grievance Redressal Committee for the academic year 2022-23 is constituted with the following members on 18-7-2022.

Functions of GRC

1. Paying prompt attention to the grievances rose.
2. Reviewing all cases and preparing statistical reports about the number of cases received.
3. Submitting review reports to the authority regarding the cases attended to and the number of pending cases, if any, for further action.

Mechanism of Resolving the Complaints:

Firstly the Grievance & Redressal Committee enters the grievance formally in its register as soon as it receives the grievances by any mode of communication from any grievant in the college.
Secondly, the Committee will categorise and analyse the grievances received in terms of the college general administration. Then the Head of the committee will forward the grievance to the respective Departments/ Office/Individual requesting them to look into the grievance and redress it within the stipulated period that may be a week.
The Committee will monitor whether the grievance has been redressed by the respective Departments/ Office/Individual. The head of the committee will appoint a day for hearing by informing both the grievant and the indicted.
The Committee will enquire both the parties thoroughly without any partially by having the evidence submitted by the grievant.
If it doesn’t reach any resolution in terms of grievance, it will enquire again about that on another day. It will try hard to redress the grievance in that session itself.
In case it does not reach any resolution on the grievance in that session as well, the Grievance Redrassal Committee will take a decision on its own. It will be informed to both the parties. It should be agreed by both of them because the Grievance Redressal Committee’s decision is final.
Thus, any grievance will be redressed by the Grievance &Redressal Committee in a month's time.

The Committee will meet at least once in a semester and submit its minutes of meeting to Principal for necessary action.

Complaint Online

Members in Grievance Redressal Committee

S.NONames of the Member Designation Role in the Committee
1. Dr.Sr.Shiny K.P Principal Chairperson
2. Ms C.M.Anitha HOD Physics Coordinator
3. Ms.B.Bharathi Lecturer in Mathematics Member
4. Ms.K.Kaveri Student Representative Member

Minutes of the Meeting

S.NOYear Minutes