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The All India Catholic University Federation is a movement of university students and is often indicated by the acronym, AICUF. In 1924, this movement was started in St. Joseph's College, Trichirappalli by Rev Fr Carty SJ. Later it spread its wings all over India and now it operates in 14 states of India. In Tamil Nadu it functions in more than 50 colleges.


To enable students to develop a critical awareness and analysis of the Indian and world situation, to cultivate a deep and genuine concern for the oppressed and marginalized and to effectively commit themselves to the task of building a new and just society.
To help students evolve spirituality that has humanization as its core, through involvement and reflection.
To motivate students to become involved in studies, research and activities within the university.
To enable Christian students to play a prophetic role in their communities through a critical understanding of their faith, drawing inspiration from the Gospels, the Eucharist and their prayer life.


The membership of AICUF is open to university students who share the ideals of the movement as enshrined in its constitution. However, every member state has the autonomy to decide on its own policy regarding membership. Every member is entitled to participate in all the decision - making activities of the unit. However, a member can be selected as an office-bearer only on completion of one year in the AICUF, except in the case of newly formed units.


AICUF's structure is geared to ensure its mass students movement character. The AICUF functions at the national, State, regional and unit levels. The state is the primary decision making body in AICUF. The various states are linked at the national level as members of a federation.