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Antiragging Committee

Antiragging Committee

Drop Your Complaint online

About the Committee

The Anti-Ragging Committee at JMJ College for Women (Autonomous) Tenali, was set up as per the guidelines of UGC in the year March, 2014 under the leadership of the then Principal, Sr. Shiny and Ms. Elizabeth Rani B., Lecturer in Commerce as the Convenor. At present the cell is headed by the Principal Dr. Sr. Shiny K.P and Dr. M. Miriam, Head of the Department of Economics, as a Convenor. The committee acts as a dedicated body to prevent and address incidents of ragging within the college. The committee Implements measures to prevent ragging by creating a safe and welcoming environment for new students. The committee organizes awareness programs and campaigns to educate students about the ill effects of ragging and the importance of maintaining a respectful and supportive community. Anti – Ragging Committee Regularly monitor areas within the campus to ensure that no ragging activities take place.

Mechanism of Resolving the Complaints

The Committee is constituted with an objective to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the Institution through -
The Grievance Redressal Committee for the academic year 2022-23 is constituted with the following members on 18-7-2022.
The committee is constituted with members from various sections of the college, including faculty, staff, and student representatives. The Principal of our college acts as chairperson to lead the committee.
Regularly organizing workshops, seminars, and campaigns to educate students about the negative consequences of ragging.
Disseminating information through posters, brochures, and digital platforms to ensure all students are aware of anti-ragging policies and procedures.
Establishing clear and comprehensive anti-ragging policies and guidelines, which are communicated to all students and staff.
Ensuring that these policies are easily accessible through the college website, notice boards, and student handbooks.
Implementing strict monitoring and surveillance in areas prone to ragging, such as hostels, common rooms, and canteens.
Providing multiple channels for students to report incidents of ragging confidentially, including online forms, email addresses, and direct contact with committee members.
Ensuring that students are aware of how and where to report incidents of ragging.
Promptly acknowledging and responding to complaints of ragging.
Offering counselling and support services to victims of ragging to help them cope with their experiences and recover.
Coordinating with local law enforcement and legal authorities in serious cases of ragging to ensure compliance with the law and to provide additional support and protection for victims.
Maintaining detailed records of all reported incidents, investigations, and actions taken.
Preparing regular reports for the college administration and relevant authorities to ensure transparency and accountability.

The Anti- Ragging Committee was constituted for the effective management of Anti-Ragging system on the college campus on 05-06-2018.

Members in Grievance Redressal Committee

S.NONames of the Member Department Designation Mobile Number
1. Dr.Sr.Shiny K.P Principal Chairperson 9441613054
2. Dr.R.Poornima Lecturer Political Science Convener 9880525677
3. Ms.G.Jagadeeshramba Advocate, Tenali Member 9440796274
4. Sr.Hrudaya Mary Student Counsellor Member 9491381953
5. Sr. Fathima Rani Hostel Warden Member 9492869179
6. Ms.M.ShekeenaKumari Lecturer, Chemistry Member 8790413582
7. Kum.K.Sharishma I.B.Sc.(CBZ) Member NA
8. Kum.P.Siresha II.B.A.(Eco) Member NA
9. Kum.B.Madhuri Member NA

Minutes of the Meeting

Year Minutes
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