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Online Competitions

Title & Details of Online Competition
Last Date
1. State Level Poster Design Competition on Win the COVID-19 battle, working together

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State Level Poster Design Competition Winners

Dear Students,Â
We are happy to inform you that the Dept. of Computer Science, JMJ College for Women Autonomous),Tenali is conducting a State Level Poster Design Competition on Win the COVID-19 battle, working together.

No Registration Fee

E-Certificate will be provided to all participants

Prizes: 1st Prize: Rs.700/-
2nd Prize: Rs.500/-
3rd Prize: Rs.300/-

1. The competition is open to all Intermediate, Degree and PG students across the State
2. Upload only one poster design per student in one file
3. Poster Size should not be exceeded more than 10 MB
4. Poster Design should contain name of the student and phone No.
5. Any mixed media suitable for the topic is allowed
6. The last date for uploading the poster design – 1st September, 2020
7. The winners will be chosen by a panel of Judges
8. The winning poster design may be displayed in our College Website
9. Send the poster design to this mail with write up on the theme -

Registration Link for the participants:

For further details contact:
Mrs.Asha Priyadarshini
HoD of Computer Science
JMJ College for Women (Autonomous),Tenali
Ph.No. 9110720971
1st September 2020
2. National Level Essay Writing Competition - 2020 on Healthy Living; Pollution Free India

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National Level Essay Writing Competition Winners

Dear Students, We are pleased to inform you that the NSS Committee, JMJ College for Women Autonomous),Tenali is Conducting National Level Essay Writing Competition - 2020 on Healthy Living; Pollution Free India

About the Competition: With an objective to enhance the writing talents of the young students and to create awareness to nurture the Environment for a harmonious living.

No Registration Fee

E-Certificate will be provided to all participants

Prizes: 1st Prize : Rs.1500/-
2nd Prize : Rs.1000/-
3rd Prize : Rs.500/-

Submission Guideline: 1. The competition is open for UG and PG students across the nation
2. Only original articles must be submitted
3. The essay should be written in English language only
4. Submission should be made in MS Word format or Hand Written
5. Word Limit Maximum 1500 Words
6.The Last date for submitting the essay is on 3rd September, 2020
7. Result announcement - 10th September, 2020
8. Submit the essay to this mail:
9. Selected essays will be uploaded in our College website

Registration Link for the participants:

For further Information contact:
Mrs. K. Aruna Sujatha
NSS Programme Officer
Ph.No. 9441410699
3rd September, 2020
3. One day National Webinar on E-Assessment in Higher Education

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Dear Students,
We are happy to inform you that the Youth Red Cross Wing of JMJ College for Women Autonomous),Tenali is conducting a State Level Free Verse Writing Competition to all UG and PG Students who are pursuing their education in various institutions across the state of Andhra Pradesh

Theme: Bharatha Yuvatha – Pragathi Bhavitha

No Registration Fee

E-Certificate will be provided to all participants

1st Prize: Rs.700/-
2nd Prize: Rs.500/-
3rd Prize: Rs.300/-

1. Only original writings will be considered for the competition.
2. Each participant can send only 1 entry.
3. Responses after the stipulated time will not be entertained.
4. Presentations which are posted to the given mail id will only be considered.
5. MS-word document will only be accepted.
6. No other languages are entertained except Telugu and English
7. Participants can opt either Telugu or English but not both
8. Participants who prefer Telugu Language must use Google Input Tools

Registration Link for the participants:

For further details contact:
Mrs. P. Hemalatha
HOD of Home Science
Mobile:- 8184902569
3rd September, 2020
4. State Level online Power Point presentation Competition on Pandemic Situation-Changes in General Life Style 2020

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Dear all,
We are delighted to inform you that the Red Ribbon Club of JMJ College for Women (A), Tenali is conducting a State Level online Power Point presentation Competition on Pandemic Situation-Changes in General Life Style 2020

-> No Registration Fee
-> E-Certificate will be provided to all participants

1st Prize: Rs.700/-
2nd Prize: 500/-
3rd Prize: 300/-
1. Competition is open to all Intermediate, Undergraduate and Postgraduates of all Courses and Streams across the state
2. A candidate is eligible to submit only one entry

Rules for the Competition:
1. Only individual participation is allowed
2. Number of Slides should be minimum 10 and maximum 15
3. The participants would be given scores out of a total of 50 marks. The criteria for judging the contest would be:
a. Innovative ideas, originality and creativity (15 marks )
b. Presentation of Slides (15 Marks)
c. Content (10 marks)
d. Subject Analysis (10 marks)
4. The last date for uploading the PPT to the mail – 4th September, 2020
Mail Id:
5. The institution is free to use the information or PPTs in any manner required
6. Judges opinion is final. No correspondence will be entertained by the committee
7. Result announcement - 11th September, 2020

Link to Register:

For more details contact:
Dr. K. Nirmala Jyothi
Convener of the Red Ribbon Club
JMJ College for Women(A), Tenali
Ph. No: 9492690591, 7989779929
4th September, 2020
5. State Level online Power Point Presentation Competition on Chronological Data of Mathematics

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Dear Participants,
It’s our great pleasure to announce the upcoming State Level online Power Point Presentation Competition on Chronological Data of Mathematics by the Dept. of Mathematics, JMJ College for Women (A), Tenali

1. Competition is open to all Undergraduate, Postgraduates of all Courses and Streams
2. A candidate is eligible to submit only one entry

1st Prize: Rs.700/-
2nd Prize: 500/-
3rd Prize: 300/-

No Registration Fee

E-Certificate will be provided to all participants

Rules for the Competition:
1. Only individual participation is allowed
2. Number of Slides should be minimum 10 and maximum 15
3. The participants would be given scores out of a total of 50 marks. The criteria for judging the contest would be:
a. Innovative ideas, originality and creativity (15 marks )
b. Presentation of Slides (15 Marks)
c. Content (10 marks)
d. Subject Analysis (10 marks)
4. The last date for uploading the PPT to the mail – 6th September, 2020
Mail ID:
5. The institution is free to use the information or PPTs in any manner required
6. Judges opinion is final. No correspondence will be entertained by the department
7. Result announcement - 12th September, 2020

Link to Register:

For more details contact:
HoD of Mathematics
JMJ College for Women (Autonomous), Tenali
Ph.No: 9491610553, 9494572927
6th September, 2020
6. National Level Poster Making Competition With Slogan On The Theme - Gender Equality

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Dear Students,
Women Empowerment Cell of JMJ College for Women (Autonomous), Tenali is organizing a National Level Poster Making Competition with slogan on the theme - Gender Equality. We are happy to invite all the UG and PG students who are studying across India to participate in this competition and showcase your talent, originality and creativity.

No Registration Fee

E-Certificate will be provided to all participants

1st Prize: Rs.1500/-
2nd Prize: Rs.1000/-
3rd Prize: Rs.500/-

Submission Guidelines:
1. Interested Participants can send their posters to our Email Id:
2. Poster Size should not exceed 10 MB and the Dimensions: 28 cm X 36 cm
3. Last date to register and send your entries : 15th September, 2020
4. Students can paint, draw or sketch a poster by hands. They should also write an appropriate slogan at the top or bottom of the poster and clearly mention their Name, Class and Name of the Institution.
5. The Poster should be unique, creative and original Art work of the participant.
6. The following details should be send in the body of the mail – Such as, Name, Course of Study, Institution Address and Mobile No.
7. Poster and slogan must depict the theme given: Gender Equality
8. Result announcement will be on: 20th September, 2020
9. Judges opinion is final. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard

Link to Register:

For further Information contact:
Mrs. P. Hemalatha Convener,
Women Empowerment Cell (WEC)
JMJ College for Women (A), Tenali
Ph.No. 8184902569
15th September, 2020
7. State Level Poster Presentation Competition on the theme - Impact of COVID-19 on Pollution and Climate Change

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Dear Participants,
We are happy to inform you that the Department of Botany, JMJ College for Women (Autonomous), Tenali is organizing a State Level Poster Presentation Competition on the theme - Impact of COVID-19 on Pollution and Climate Change for all the UG and PG students. Take this chance to exhibit your talent, originality and creativity.

No Registration Fee

E-Certificate will be provided to all participants

Prizes: 1st Prize: Rs.700/-
2nd Prize: Rs.500/-
3rd Prize: Rs.300/-

Submission Guidelines:
1. Interested participants can send their posters with a short write up on the poster presented to our Email Id:
2. Poster Size should not exceed 10 MB and the Dimensions: 28 cm x 36 cm
3. Students can paint, draw or sketch a poster by hands.
4. The short write up along with posture should include name of the participant, name of the institution, Programme- UG or PG, Address and Mobile No.
5. The Poster should be unique, creative and original art work of the participant
6. Last date to register and send your Poster on 17th September, 2020
7. The winners will be announced on 23rd September, 2020
8. The Judges decision will be final and no clarification will be given in this regard.

Registration Link:

Whatsapp group link:

For further Information contact:
Mrs. K.Prameela
Head of the Department of Botany
JMJ College for Women (A), Tenali
Ph.Nos. 9849546517, 9441154737
17th September, 2020
8. State Level Essay Writing Competition on My Life Journey during COVID-19 Lockdown

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Dear Students,
We are pleased to inform you that the Department of Zoology, JMJ College for Women (Autonomous),Tenali is conducting a State Level Essay Writing Competition on
My Life Journey during COVID-19 Lockdown (In English)
Covid-19 Lockdown samayamulo na Jeevanayanamu (In Telugu)
Kindly share your experience in the essay during lockdown period keeping in mind the impact of lockdown in your life, your family, neighbourhood, village and the entire state.

Objectives of the Competition:
1. To enhance the writing talents of the young students
2. To become aware of how one spend the days during lockdown
3. To understand the inner self and the ability to accept the sudden changes positively

No Registration Fee

E-Certificate will be provided to all participants

Prizes: 1st Prize : Rs.700/-
2nd Prize : Rs.500/-
3rd Prize : Rs.300/-

Submission Guidelines:
1. The competition is open to all UG and PG students across the state
2. Only original articles must be submitted
3. Each participant can send only one essay.
4. The essay can be written in English or Telugu language
5. Submission should be made in MS Word format or Hand Written
6. Word Limit Maximum 1500 Words
7. The essay should include the participant name, Institution name, complete address and Phone No.
8. Last date for the submission of the essay on 18th September, 2020
9. Submit the essay to this mail:
10. The winners will be announced on 24th September, 2020
11. The Judges decision will be final and no clarification will be given in this regard.
12. Selected essays will be uploaded in our College website

Registration Link for the participants:

What’s App group Link for the participants:

For further Information contact:
Mrs. M.Aruna,
Head of the Department of Zoology

Lecturer in Zoology
Ph.No. 9885523941
18th September, 2020
9. National Level Creative Short Story Writing Competition

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Dear Students,
We are delighted to inform you that the Department of English, JMJ College for Women (Autonomous),Tenali is conducting a National Level Creative Short Story Writing Competition for all UG and PG Students across India.

Objectives of the Competition:
1. To enhance students creative writing Skill
2. To bring out their creative ideas for potential stories
3. To improve and boost their confidence to present their own stories effectively

No Registration Fee

E-Certificate will be provided to all participants

1st Prize : Rs.1500/-
2nd Prize : Rs.1000/-
3rd Prize : Rs.500/-

Guidelines to Authors:
1. The competition is open to all UG and PG students across the country
2. The story must be the original work of the author
3. The short story should be written in English language only
4. Submission should be made in MS Word format with double spaced
5. The word limit is 2,500 words
6. The Last date for the submission of the story is 20th September, 2020
7. Judgment shall be based on the quality of the content and uniqueness of the story
8. The judges decisions will be final and no clarification will be given in this regard
9. Each participant can submit only one story
10. The story should include the participant name, Institution name, Address and Phone No.
11. The winners will be announced on 25th September, 2020
12. Submit the story to this mail:
13. Selected short story will be uploaded in our College website

Registration Link for the participants:

What's App group Link for the participants:

For further Information contact:
Dr.N. Vimala Devi,
Head of the Department of English

Mrs.G.Jyothi Olivia,
Lecturer in English
Ph.No. 9010803835
20th September, 2020